latest nursing officer vacancy and previous papers

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Wednesday, 30 January 2019

GMCH paper 2019




This refers to the letter No.Z.28015/45/2018-H-I-Part(1) dated 26.11.2018;No.Z.28015/45/2018-H-I-Part(1) dated 29.01.2019 of Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare (Hospital-I Section); F. No. 6-1/2018 Admn.III (N) dated 01/08/2018 and F.No. 6-1/2018 Admn.III (N) dated 06/10/2018 from the Office of the Medical Superintendent,
Safdarjung &V.M.M.C., New Delhi 110029 as well as subsequent directions from competent authorities.The Recruitment Examination for selection of Nursing Officer, Gr.-B under
Direct Recruitment, for Central Government Hospitals in Delhi (VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, Kalawati Saran Children Hospital & Lady Hardinge Medical College & Associated
Hospital) held on 07.10.2018 was cancelled vide letter No.: SJH/EC/2018-30 dated 28.11.2018. AIIMS, New Delhi will nowre-conductthe above Recruitment Examination in Online
(CBT) mode.The details of posts are as follows:-
S.No Name of the Institution UR OBC SC ST Total

1 VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital 668 353 161 90 1272
2 Kalawati Saran Children Hospital 29 13 09 07 58
3 Lady Hardinge Medical College & Associated Hospital 32 04 05 01 42

There is 4% horizontal reservation applicable to PWBD category as per Government of India rules
 The number of posts are provisional and the actual number may vary at the time of final selection.
Important note for Candidates with all categories of disabilities (PWBD candidates):
As per communication received vide File No.Z.28015/45/2018-H-I-Part(1), Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Hospital-I Section), Nirman Bhawan it may be
noted that “Additionally in compliance with the Office Memorandum No.34-16/2018-DD-III dt.12.12.2018 the Competent Authorities have decided to allow all categories of
disabilities as mentioned in Section 32(1) of PWD Act 2016, to apply for the above mentioned posts and if eligible, Provisionally appear for the Recruitment Examination for the post of
Nursing Officer to be conducted by AIIMS, New Delhi. However, the appointment of all such selected candidates will be subject to the decision of the Technical Committee constituted
for this purpose regarding assessment and suitability criterion.”
1. All PWBD candidates with disabilities as mentioned in Section 32(1) of PWD Act 2016, but have not applied earlier, in response to the Advertisement videFile No.6-
1/2018 Admn-III(N), Government of India, Office of the Medical Superintendent, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi dated 01.08.2018, can now apply through Online Mode
from 31st January, 2019 to 7th February, 2019 (upto 5:00 pm.). Such candidates are required to visit under Recruitment Tab/ Nursing Officer for
Central Government Hospitals.
2. All PWBD candidates with disabilities as mentioned in Section 32(1) of PWD Act 2016, but had applied earlier in the PWBD category (OL) in response to the
Advertisement videFile No.6-1/2018 Admn-III(N), Government of India, Office of the Medical Superintendent, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi dated 01.08.2018 due to
non-availability of options other than OL, should now declare their current disability in accordance with the Section 32(1) of PWD Act 2016, in case they were issued
Admit cards / Hall Tickets for the Recruitment Examination for the post of Nursing Officer held on 07.10.2018, which was cancelled vide letter No.: SJH/EC/2018-30 dated
28.11.2018. They may update their application details at under Recruitment Tab/ Nursing Officer for Central Government Hospitals. Only the
PWBD status box will be active for such candidates. No other entry can be changed. Please use the login credentials sent to the registered e-mail and mobile number.
3. All PWBD candidates with disabilities as mentioned in Section 32(1) of PWD Act 2016, but had not applied earlier in the PWBD category in response to the Advertisement
videFile No.6-1/2018 Admn-III(N), Government of India, Office of the Medical Superintendent, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi dated 01.08.2018 due to non-availability of
options other than OL, can now declare their current disability in accordance with the Section 32(1) of PWD Act 2016, in case they were issued Admit cards / Hall Tickets
for the Recruitment Examination for the post of Nursing Officer held on 07.10.2018 , which was cancelled vide letter No.: SJH/EC/2018-30 dated 28.11.2018 They may
update their application details at under Recruitment Tab/ Nursing Officer for Central Government Hospitals. Only the PWBD status box will be
active for such candidates. No other entry can be changed. Please use the login credentials sent to the registered e-mail and mobile number.
4. All those who areapplying under the PWBD category are required to upload a scanned copy (only jpg/jpeg format)of their Disability Certificates issued by a competent
authority at the time of applying / updating their application form. All candidates are also required to indicate whether they require the facility of a SCRIBEduring the
examination. However, the decision regarding this facility shall rest on the screening of the Disability Certificate by a Medical Board.
Important note for ALL Candidates (including PWBD candidates):
1. All those who had applied in response to the Advertisement videFile No.6-1/2018 Admn-III(N), Government of India, Office of the Medical Superintendent, Safdarjung
Hospital, New Delhi dated 01.08.2018 and were issued Admit cards / Hall Tickets for the Recruitment Examination for the post of Nursing Officer held on 07.10.2018 ,
which was cancelled vide letter No.: SJH/EC/2018-30 dated 28.11.2018, are eligible to appear in the re-examination to be conducted by AIIMS, New Delhi.
2. All those PWBD Candidates who apply afresh and those PWBD candidates who update their disability as mentioned in Section 32(1) of PWD Act 2016 but had applied in
response to the Advertisement videFile No.6-1/2018 Admn-III(N), Government of India, Office of the Medical Superintendent, Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi dated
01.08.2018 and were issued Admit cards / Hall Tickets for the Recruitment Examination for the post of Nursing Officer held on 07.10.2018 , which was cancelled vide
letter No.: SJH/EC/2018-30 dated 28.11.2018, are eligible to appear in the re-examination to be conducted by AIIMS, New Delhi.
3. As the AIIMS, New Delhi is entrusted to conduct the Examination of only those candidates who had earlier issued Admit card (except PWBD candidates who are allowed
to apply afresh as above), on the basis of the details filled by the candidate at the time of Registration. Hence, at this time no corrections / updation(except disabilities)
will be entertained.
4. The eligibility, qualification, experience etc. will be determined according to the details mentioned in the Advertisement vide File No.6-1/2018 Admn-III (N), dated
01.08.2018 s as above for all candidates. Additionally for PWBD candidatethe selection will be subject to the decision of the Technical Committee constituted for this
purpose regarding assessment and suitability criterion
5. The examination will be re-conductedin Online (CBT) Mode of 03 Hours duration in centres spread all over India according to the scheme of examination mentioned
6. All candidates are required to visit under Recruitment Tab/ Nursing Officer for Central Government Hospitals using the login credentials sent to
their registered e-mail and mobile number to exercise their choice of city / cities for the Examination and choice of Hospitals in order of preference between 31/01/2019
to 07/02/2019 (upto 5:00 p.m.).
7. In case any candidate does not exercise his / her choice of centres and hospitals, he / she shall be allotted a centre / hospital at the discretion of AIIMS, New Delhi.
8. AIIMS, New Delhi reserves the right to finally allot any hospital to a selected candidate due to administrative and other requirements. This will be binding on the
9. The login credentials and password will be communicated to all those candidates who have applied earlier through their registered Email and Mobile no. In case a
candidate does not exercise his / her option an Email and SMS will be sent to their registered mobile no/ Email ID. If there is no response the candidate would be allotted
a centre at the discretion of AIIMS.
Schedule of exercising options of city of examination and preference of hospitals by all candidates including those who are applying under / updating PWBD
category :
Activity Opening Date Closing Date
Applications under PWBD category for fresh candidates
31st January, 2019
07th February, 2019
(upto 5:00 pm)
Updation of PWBD category by previous applicants issued Hall Tickets as above
Exercising Choice of Examination Centres by all candidates who were issued hall Tickets earlier and PWBD Candidates
as above
Exercising Preference of Hospitals

i. Date of Examination 28 February 2019 (Thursday)
ii. Time and Duration of Examination 2:00 PM – 5:00PM, 3 hrs. (180 min.)
iii. Date of uploading of admit card 19th February, 2019 ( Tuesday)
iii. Scheme of Examination 1. 200 MCQs of 200 marks with four alternatives for each question(180 MCQs related to subject, 20 MCQs related to
Aptitude / GeneralKnowledge / General Awareness)
2. There will be negative marking of 1/3 marks for each wrong answer
3. The qualifying marks in Recruitment Examination will be 50% for UR, 45% for OBC and 40% for SC & ST
iv. Syllabus of Examination The syllabus will be in accordance with education qualification and experience as mentioned in the advertisement
v. Resolution of the Tie Cases In cases where more than one candidate secures equal MARKS, tie will be resolved
(i) First by using date of birth with older candidates placed higher
(ii) If not resolved by (i), the number of wrong answers / negative marks will be used wherein those with less wrong
answers / negative marks will be placed higher

Monday, 28 January 2019